A Small Firm With A
Strong Reputation

Acquisition And Enforcement Of Patents, Trademarks And Trade Secret Protections

Every business requires the development of ideas, first and foremost. Before you manufacture or sell something, you must have that good idea and build on it.

As a small law firm with a strong reputation in a wide variety of legal practice areas, Dawson Springman is a solid resource offering value to people seeking to conceptualize, create and protect intellectual property (IP). We are here to help you, a Texas entrepreneur, business owner or business manager, protect the good ideas that can make your business thrive.

Types Of Intellectual Property That Our Clients Seek Help With

As your IP attorneys, we can advise you on applying for patents, filing trademarks and protecting trade secrets, including business methods and client lists. We can explore with you the specific IP types and protections that concern you, such as:

  • Words, symbols and/or a logo that will identify and represent your company and its goods and services (a trademark)
  • Nondisclosure agreements for trade secrets that differentiate your business from many others
  • Original creations for which you might want to file copyrights
  • Inventions for which you may need design, utility or plant patent protection

 About Trademarks

We can help you map out your company’s direction and hoped-for reputation through the development, filing and monitoring of trademarks through the following processes:

  • Determining whether a proposed logo or slogan is distinctive enough to serve as a trademark
  • Researching among existing trademarks to determine if your intellectual property is unique
  • Registering your trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
  • Developing brand recognition through the judicious use of your trademark(s)
  • Protecting your uniqueness in the marketplace through the application of your trademark(s) and trade secrets
  • Helping your customers find you in the brick-and-mortar world as well as online through the skillful use of your trademark(s)

In sum, we are ready to help you build your business’s value through intelligent management of your trademark(s).

Learn How Our IP Services Can Protect Your Business Ventures

Once you have developed and registered your trademark(s), we can help you maintain them and enforce them to protect your corner of the market from IP infringement.

As IP law is federal and international in nature, our IP team in Fort Worth or Midland, Texas, can work with you no matter where you are. Call 817-873-1462 or 432-255-5549 or send an email message to schedule a free consultation.